Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1)Title: Anna Dressed in Blood
Author: Kendare Blake
Publisher: Tor Teen
Rating: 3 of 5 stars

I’m scared of parodies of horror movies, so I thought I’d be really, really freaked out about this. And, I was. Because I read it at 12 at night.
I read it the next morning, and I was like, what the heck was I scared of, again?

Don’t let the word “horror” scare you off here, because Anna Dressed in Blood is not horror. It has a few gruesome scenes as it starts off, but eventually, it simmers down to a typical dead girl meets slayer boy and oh God, did I just read off the summary? Ahem.
The story is written well and it’s very fun. Just the type of normal ghostie YA book that’ll be popular, y’know. It has a promising future. After all, it does contain the typical hot boy who’s a bit full of himself.

Anyway, this is sort of a crap review, because this didn’t do a lot of justice to itself in my point of view. Like, seriously, this has been done, as Blake so kindly points out even during the passage of the story. It was kind of fun while it lasted, though, so no qualms.
Still like Buffy better, though. And Angel.

The one I really DID like was Anna. Oh, my lovely Anna! You are the epitome of absolute queenly ghostiness! White dress dripping in blood goddess o’ mine! You are amazing, you! Yes, you are.
She is sweet mixed into badass and saucy and ghostie all in one! AWWW, I feel my heart just expand thinking about the way she can rip bodies in two. No, really. It kind of is awesome.

What isn’t so awesome is how Cas calls her, “My Anna.”
He sounds like a 50 year old stalker dude. Not so cool, when you’re supposed to be a hot teenage boy.

On a side not, the use of f-bombs and swear words were tastefully used in this book. It was magical how prettily the f-bombs were placed!

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2 thoughts on “Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

  1. I wasn’t too scared of Anna Dressed in Blood either. I mean, Anna herself was pretty freaky, but the big bad in the story wasn’t so big or bad. It was fun though, like you said. I haven’t read Girl of Nightmares yet but I’m really eager to!

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